Monday, April 11, 2011

Adele spas za muzičku industriju

Prodaja albuma u prvom tromesečju porasla je za 1.5% u Velikoj Britaniji u odnosu na prošlu godinu, piše ovonedeljni Music Week. Najzaslužnija za ovaj porast je Adele koja je od početka godine prodala 2.2 miliona albuma. Nikada u istoriji se nije dogodilo da izvođač u prvom tromesečju, koje je poznato po slaboj prodaji, proda ovoliki broj albuma
Inače, ovo je prvi put u ovom veku da muzička industrija beleži rast prodaje albuma u ovom veku.

Originalni tekst:

Adele's album sales 'boost music market' 
Adele accounted for one in every ten album sales in the first quarter of 2011. 
The 'Rolling In The Deep' star helped give the music market a boost, massively contributing to the 1.5% year-on-year album sales growth, reports Music Week. 
The singer-songwriter sold a total of 2.22 million records between January and March, which are the combined sales of her first two albums in 2011. 
21 has sold a total of 1.86 million, while 19 has managed to sell another 465,829 copies, despite being released three years ago. 
Adele helped to balance a struggling music market, with her sales making up for a decline in the major record labels, who collectively sold two million fewer albums compared to the first quarter of 2010. 

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